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CHILDLINE BISHNUPUR, from the day it starts functioning on March 2015, it has been catering many forms of services to the needy children especially belonging to the poorer section of the society and those ill fated children’s whose dignity and rights have been either snatched or made to suffered because of few mindless person who proceeded to commit such acts willingly without leaving any mercy.

Though the year was a blend of learning, adaptation, practice and execution for the CHILDLINE BISHNUPUR yet we have always tried to deliver our services satisfactorily. Year started with receiving few reported issue of children’s and as we progress further the issue become a sizeable number. Well we may assume or its figure indicates that the district of Bishnupur is witnessing children’s issue on a larger note. And Childline Bishnupur has been trying to deescalate such issue by rendering our services, building relation with every stake holder and by creating awareness to the public, stake holders, other concerns etc.

To enable to overcome the challenges and hurdles that may confront by Childline Bishnupur in the near future, Community meetings with different stake holders of the district was one of the find examples that improved our skills, training and connecting with the local people that enrich Childline Bishnupur themselves with job responsibilities.Liasioning, Awareness and relationship building a process which can never be ignored has always been treated with the top priority. Departmental liasioning with the department heads of various Government Department on CHILDLINE’s functions and the formation of a body to monitoring work i.e. CHILDLINE ADVISORY BOARD had been a great opportunity for the team to build a good platform along with the Government department.

Street corner campaign in relation with CHILD TRAFFICKING and training with different stakeholders of the district in acts and laws related to child issue on monthly basis create an environment of existence of CHLDLINE BISH UPUR in the district, to get familiar with the functions, activities and CHILDLINE 1098 services in the district.

Within  span of two years from its existence, CHILDLINE BISHNUPUR has been able to build relations with the people, able to sensitize CHILDLINE  to the public, build a trust among the public and stakeholders and either rendered or helped many children’s who have met such incidents. These activities are and will always remain on ongoing continuous process of CHILDLINE services.

CHILDLINE BISHNUPUR launched its operation w.e.f. 1 march 2015 from its rented office located at Bishnupur ward no 6. Childline 24*7, an initiative of CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION is a project supported by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. Childline Bishnupur is under the direct supervision of CHILDLINE INDIA FOUDATION, Mumbai. NEW LIFE FOUNDATION, Thamnapokpi monitors, guides and controls the Childline Bishnupur operation and activities as it is the sole custodian and executes the project through it.